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39 results for Jacques%20Boucher%20
Commode with Floral Marquetry and gilt bronze mounts
Jacques-Philippe Carel
ca. 1755
Marble bust of a young girl.  Her head and eyes are tilted downward, she has her hair twisted i…
After Jacques François Joseph Saly
19th century
oil painting of a mother nursing her child in a landscape
Attributed to Jacques de Lajoue
ca. 1730–40
oil painting of a shepherdess in a landscape
Attributed to Jacques de Lajoue
ca. 1730–40
oil painting of sleeping shepherdess in a landscape
Attributed to Jacques de Lajoue
ca. 1730–40
oil painting of a young man holding a spade in a landscape
Attributed to Jacques de Lajoue
ca. 1730–40
oil painting of a girl with a spear in a landscape
Attributed to Jacques de Lajoue
ca. 1730–40
oil painting of a shepherd playing a pipe in a landscape
Attributed to Jacques de Lajoue
ca. 1730–40
oil painting of a woman with Cupid in a landscape
Attributed to Jacques de Lajoue
ca. 1730–40
Closed for renovation
1 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021

Closed for renovation
10 East 71st Street
New York, NY 10021

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