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French, Moustiers

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12 results
Large oval platter with a hunting scene in the center and decorative border in blue and white
French, Moustiers
ca. 1700−20
Ewer with a coat of arms and ornate decoration in blue and white
French, Moustiers
ca. 1700−25
Large platter with a maritime scene painted in yellow, green and blue
French, Moustiers
ca. 1730−40
Circular plate with a landscape and decorative border in color
French, Moustiers
ca. 1730−40
Circular plate with a mythological scene and decorative border in color
French, Moustiers
ca. 1740
Tray painted with figures and floral decoration in color
French, Moustiers
ca. 1750
Wall fountain and basin painted with figurative scenes and ornate decoration in color
French, Moustiers
ca. 1750
Large oval platter with figures and floral decoration in yellow and green
French, Moustiers
ca. 1750
Circular plate with miniature landscapes and figures painted in dark red
French, Moustiers
ca. 1750
Sugar caster with birds, trees and flowers painted in dark red
French, Moustiers
ca. 1750
Large oval platter with figures, animals and flowers painted in green
French, Moustiers
ca. 1750
Pitcher decorated with painted landscapes, in color
French, Moustiers
ca. 1760
Closed for renovation
1 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021

Closed for renovation
10 East 71st Street
New York, NY 10021

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