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Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellée)

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Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellée)(French, 1604–1682)

Claude Gellée, who was called Lorrain after his native province of Lorraine, settled in Rome perhaps as early as 1613 and spent nearly all of his adult life there. His early work was chiefly in fresco, of which little remains, but his fame is based on landscape canvases, often with biblical or mythological subjects. Patronized principally by the Italian nobility, he also enjoyed an international reputation. Among the many later painters influenced by his work, the most vocal admirer was Turner.

Source: Art in The Frick Collection: Paintings, Sculpture, Decorative Arts, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996.

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oil painting of Christ preaching on a mountain surrounded by people and sheep
Claude Lorrain (Claude Gellée)
ca. 1656
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