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Francesco Laurana

(Italian (Dalmatian), ca. 1420/30–ca. 1502)
Place ActiveNaples, Zara, Europe
BiographyThe sculptor was born probably in the small town of Urena (or Laurena), near modern Zadar on the coast of Croatia in what was then the Venetian territory of Dalmatia. He was first documented in 1453 working at Naples for Alfonso I of Aragon. From 1461 to 1466 Laurana was in France, employed chiefly at the court of René of Anjou, where he returned after periods of activity in Naples and Sicily. Documents mention Laurana in Avignon and Marseille from the 1470s through the 1490s.

Source: Art in The Frick Collection: Paintings, Sculpture, Decorative Arts, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996.

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