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Copy of Henry Frick Clay Frick Bequest

126 results
Bronze sculpture of a naked youth with raised left arm
Workshop of Riccio (Andrea Briosco)
late 15th century
A bronze sculpture of Hercules.  He is looking straight ahead, with a lion's pelt draped on his…
Attributed to Francesco di Giorgio
Late 15th century
Bronze sculpture of a satyr with two hands up as if holding a flute that's no longer there
After Maso di Bartolomeo
second half of the 15th century
A marble bust of a lady. The sitter's eyes are semi-closed and her hair is parted in the middle…
Francesco Laurana
ca. 1470s
Bronze sculpture of a man standing upright.  His head is turned to his right and he is holding …
Bertoldo di Giovanni
ca. 1470–80
A bronze relief depicting Christ rising out of a casket flanked by angels on either side, with …
Vecchietta (Lorenzo di Pietro)
Oil painting of Christ being lowered from the cross
Gerard David
ca. 1495–1500
A bronze sculpture of Paris.  His head is facing to his left with his left hand resting on his …
first half of the 16th century
Bronze sculpture of Neptune looking down, holding a raised trident in his right hand and standi…
Severo da Ravenna (Severo Calzetta)
early 16th century (probably before 1511)
A bronze sculpture of a naked female figure. Her face has a look of shock on it, her head is tu…
Italian, Mantua or Padua
early 16th century
A bronze sculpture of Queen Tomyris.  She holds the severed Head of Cyrus in the palm of her ri…
Severo da Ravenna (Severo Calzetta)
Bronze sculpture of a naked youth with raised arms.
Northern Italian
16th century
Closed for renovation
1 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021

Closed for renovation
10 East 71st Street
New York, NY 10021

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