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oil painting of a seated woman in a yellow dress placing a crown of flowers on the head of a ma…
184 Objects
Red and gold porcelain vase with lid and gold chain
421 Objects
Terracotta sculpture of three nymphs supporting a clock.  There are two nude female figures, on…
44 Objects
Front image of enamel polychrome plaque depicting a man in Renaissance style dress
46 Objects
Secrétaire with Pictorial and Trellis Marquetry and gilt bronze decoration
150 Objects
Mantel Clock in gilt bronze with two cherubs on either side of the dial
13 Objects
Oil painting of two woman by a table
60 Objects
Silver portrait medal of Henry IV and Marie de’ Medici, King and Queen of France
431 Objects
oil painting of five children with wings frolicking in the sky
199 Objects
Pastel half length portrait of a man wearing a black hat on his head and holding a staff in his…
132 Objects
A bronze sculpture of an angel.  The angel stands upright with wings stretched behind it, the r…
327 Objects
Dark red and dark blue rectangular Indian rug with floral design
20 Objects
Gilt silver soup tureen with inverted dead pheasant and intricate design
22 Objects
Closed for renovation
1 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021

Closed for renovation
10 East 71st Street
New York, NY 10021

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